Aldo Maceri was born in Napoli (Italy) at 24.11.1945 and at date
28.07.1967 he has taken a degree with honours in aeronautical Engineering in the University of Napoli "Federico II" .
Immediately after the degree he begun to work in the Institute of
Scienza delle costruzioni of the Faculty of Engineering of the
University of Napoli "Federico II", devoting himself full time untill 1985 to the
activity of University Researcher. After having been titular of a
scholarship MPI, from the 01.11.1972 he was in office as ordinary Assistant of
a full Professor of Scienza delle Costruzioni of the Faculty of
Engineering of the University of Napoli "Federico II". From the 01.11.1970 to the
31.10.1982 he has been Professor of Mathematical Analysis (entrusted
before and stabilized then) in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Napoli "Federico II"
From the 19.01.1981 he has moved (as ordinary Assistant of the same full
Professor of Scienza delle Costruzioni) to the Faculty of Architecture
of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", where then from the 30.03.1983
he was elected in partnership Professor of Scienza delle Costruzioni and
from the 28.11.1989 he was elected full Professor of Scienza delle Costruzioni.
From the 01.11.1992 he has moved as full professor of Scienza delle Costruzioni to the Faculty of Engineering of
the University of Roma "Roma Tre". There from the 01.11.1994 to the
01.11.2004 he have also been charged Professor of Mathematical Analysis.
In date 18.3.2006 he get married to Silvia Proietti with Roman Catholic
rite. From this happy marriage in date 4.5.2011 the Luca and Laura twins are born.
The academic activity of Aldo Maceri is terminated in date 31.10.2016 having reached retirement age. He has
presented in 42 scientific papers the results of his researches (theoretical, of numerical experimentation and of experimentation
in material tests laboratory), pertaining to mainly on not traditional structural materials and on unilateral problems of the
structural Engineering. The first theme of research proposes him to contribute to the debugging
of theories for the simulation of the behavior of structures in not
traditional material. The investigations begin with the study of the
mechanical properties of non traditional construction materials (as the
composite materials) and they are conducted up to the experimental
verification, numerical and in material tests laboratory. The second
theme articulates in researches on unilateral problems of the
structural Engineering (as unilateral constraints and contact
problems). The study is conducted with the aid of the modern
Mathematical Analysis and it is often brought up to the numerical
experimental verification. The problems, of the second or of the fourth
order, are formulated in suitable functional spaces and it is performed
at first the qualitative analysis. Subsequently successions of problems
are individualized, whose solutions, calculated by algorithms studied to
hoc, they allow to approximate the one of the problem in examination.
The numerical experimentation finally furnishes parameters of judgment
on the goodness of the techniques of numerical approximation adopted as
also on the fineness of the model adopted for simulating the problem of
Aldo Maceri is author or coauthor of the following scientific publications:
Maceri, A. : Graticci obliqui, Fond. Pol. Per il Mezz. d’Italia, 1969
Maceri, A. - Crivelli Visconti, I.: Sui moduli elastici di compositi
con fibre continue unidirezionali, Ing. Civile, 1969
Maceri, A.: Limiti superiori per i moduli elastici di compositi rinforzati con
fibre continue unidirezionali, Ing. Civile, 1970
Maceri, A.: Pannelli compositi rinforzati, Ing. Civile, 1970
Maceri, A.: Reinforced composite plates, Verbundwerkstoffe (Konstanz), 1972
Crivelli Visconti, I. - Maceri, A. - Mignosi, S. - Santoro, P.: Prove
sperimentali su pannelli compositi in vetroresina e carburoresina, Ing. Meccanica, 1974
Maceri, A. Studio sperimentale sulla stabilit� elastica dei pannelli
compositi, Ing. Civile, 1975
Maceri, A.: Prove su travi composite, Ing. Civile, 1975
Renzulli, T. - Maceri, A.: Sul calcolo dei ponti obliqui a travata, Fond. Pol.
per il Mezz. d’Italia, 1976
Maceri, A. – Rotondale, N.: Sul calcolo delle sollecitazioni termomeccaniche
nei rotori a gabbia, Fond. Pol. per il Mezz. d’Italia, 1976
Maceri, A.: Teoria della trave in materiale composito, La ricerca, 1977
Maceri, A.: La trave a parete sottile in materiale composito, La ricerca, 1978
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Un problema di contatto tra membrane, Rend. Acc. naz.
dei Lincei, 1978
Bruzzese, E. - Maceri, A.: Sulla concentrazione di tensione nelle sezioni sottili
pluriconnesse sollecitate a torsione, Costruzioni metalliche, 1979
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Questioni di contatto tra travi elastiche, La ricerca,
Maceri, F. - Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Alcuni problemi di vincolo unilaterale
per sistemi di travi linearmente elastici (nota I), Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1979
Maceri, F. - Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Alcuni problemi di vincolo unilaterale
per sistemi di travi linearmente elastici (nota II), Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1979
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Un problema di vincolo unilaterale per la trave
incastrata, La ricerca, 1979
Renzulli, T. - Maceri, A.: Tabelle per il calcolo dei ponti obliqui a travata,
Massimo, 1979
Maceri, A.: La piastra incastrata in presenza di ostacoli, Rend. Acc. naz. dei
Lincei, 1979
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Sul problema della trave su suolo elastico
unilaterale, Boll. UMI, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: On the elastic stability of beams under unilateral
constraints, Meccanica, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Preliminary results on the elastic stability of beams
under unilateral constraints, in Simulation of systems ’79, North-Holland, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Preliminary results on the problem of the elastic
plate on one-sided foundation, in Simulation of systems ’79, North-Holland, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: On the problem of the elastic plate on one-sided
foundation, Meccanica, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: The plate on unilateral elastic boundary support (nota
I), Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1980
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: The plate on unilateral elastic boundary support (nota
II), Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1980
Maceri, F. - Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: A contact problem: the elastic beam on
one-sided Pasternak foundation, Applicable analysis, 1982
Maceri, A.: Alcune considerazioni a margine del metodo degli elementi finiti,
Atti dell’Ist. di Sc. e Tec. delle costr. dell’Univ. di Roma, 1983
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A. - Maceri, F.: Numerical analysis of a contact problem
in membrane theory, Int. Journal of modelling and simulation, 1983
Toscano, R. - Maceri, A.: Continuous elastic beam with unilateral rigid
supports, Meccanica, 1984
Maceri, A.: A discretization method for the problem of a membrane constrained
by elastic obstacles, Rend. Acc. Naz. dei Lincei, 1984
Maceri, A. - Maceri, F.: Analysis of a discrete model for the contact
problem between a membrane and an elastic obstacle, Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1987
Maceri, A. - Maceri, F.: Models for structural unilateral problems, Atti del
Dip. di Ing. Civ. Ed. della II Univ. di Roma, 1987
Maceri, A.: La trave unilateralmente appoggiata su mezzo elastico a
risposta non lineare, Atti del Congresso AIMETA 1991
Maceri, A.: Sul problema di
contatto tra piastre, Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1992
Maceri, A.: Un problema di ostacolo elastico non lineare per la
piastra incastrata, Rend. Acc. naz. dei Lincei, 1992
Tosone, C. - Maceri, A.: A structural problem with unilateral support, Atti del
Convegno sulle Funzioni speciali (Pugnochiuso), 1997
Tosone, C. - Maceri, A.: An unilateral problem of the
structural engineering, J. of Inf. & Optimization Sciences, 1999
Tosone, C. - Maceri, A.: Continuous beams with unilateral elastic supports,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2001
Tosone, C. - Maceri, A.: On the classic formulation of an unilateral problem of
the structural engineering, J. of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2002
Maceri, A. - Tosone, C.: The clamped plate with elastic unilateral obstacles: a
finite element approach, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied
Sciences, 2003
Since 1985 Aldo Maceri in the University has choosed the part time. He has added to the
academic activity of Researcher and of Professor the professional activity of Engineer. As long ago as 1967 Aldo Maceri has gotten, in the
University of Napoli "Federico II", the qualification to exercise the
profession of Engineer, with votes 120/120. Since the 30.05.1984 he is
member of the Engineers Order of the District of Roma (n� 13265).
Its professional activity is developed especially in the sector of the structural Engineering (design and
consolidation of structures). Currently Aldo Maceri performs:
The verification of the static safety of buildings, or of their parts, in Rome
The design of the static safety of buildings, or of their parts, in Rome
The Direction of the consolidation works of buildings, or of their parts, in Rome.
The professional works of Aldo Maceri are the following:
and administrative inspection of the company Poligrafica Irpina srl (Lioni)
and administrative inspection of the company Living srl (Albano Laziale)
Static inspection of a floor of the INSEAN test tank (Roma)
and administrative inspection of an industrial water main (Battipaglia)
N� 115 technical advices given since 1988 by the Civil Court of Roma. The
charge was to individualize the causes of the disarrangement of buildings sites in Rome and province and to estimate the amount of the
relative static consolidation and restoration
Design of the static consolidation of a building (6.483 m2) of the company
Pierrel spa, Capua, 1990
Technical advice given by the Public Prosecutor's Office, of Avellino referred to
a contract for a hospital complex
Technical advice given by the Appeal Court of Roma, referred
to a landslide
Technical and administrative inspection of a infrastructure internal to the
company CIRA spa, Capua, 1995
N� 3 Technical advice given by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Roma,
referred to unauthorized building, 1997
Technical advice given by the Civil Court of Busto Arsizio, referred to a
military job order, 1997 (lire 500.000.000.000)
Executive design of the static consolidation of the building situated in Roma,
via Germanico 66, 23.000 m3, 1998
External member, since 31.01.1089 until 21.12.1992, of the ENPAS (then INPDAP)
Committee for appropriateness advice referred to contracts of purchase, sale, exchange and lease of building. Particularly, purchase of
numerous big real estate complexes, in Italy, with office, residential, trade use.
Executive design of the static consolidation of the building situated
in Roma, via Cavour 154, 2.800 m3, 1999
Executive design of the static consolidation of the building situated
in Roma, via De Lollis 6, 20.000 mc, 1999
Technical advice given by the Civil Court of Roma, referred to tunnel Villaret of
the Montebianco motorway, 1999
Preliminary design of the static consolidation of the building situated
in Roma, via Celimontana 28, 16.000 m3, 2000
Executive design and construction supervision of the static consolidation
of the building situated in Roma, via dei Valeri 6, 4.000 m3, 2000
Executive design of the static
consolidation of the building situated in Roma, piazza della Suburra 2, 3.600 m3, 2000
Member of the Committee of the Roma
Municipality referred to Fascicolo del fabbricato, 2000
Inspection of the works executed in the building situated in Roma,
via Germanico 66, 2001
Member of the Committee of the Roma Municipality referred to the construction
of the underground car park in Roma, piazza Cola di Rienzo, 2001
Executive design of the
static consolidation of the building situated in Roma, via Castelfidardo 32, 18.000 m3, 2001
Inspection of the works executed in the building situated in
Roma, via C. E. Gadda 87, 2001
Executive design of the static consolidation of the building situated in
Roma, via Baldovinetti 24, 35.000 m3, 2001
Task of high Commissioner, given by the Regional Administrative Court of
Lazio, referred to execution of two final judgments, 2001
Executive design and construction supervision of the static
consolidation of the building situated in Roma, via A. Poliziano 8-via Merulana 227, 2001
Task of President of arbitration, given by the Camera Arbitrale of the
Ministry of Public Works, Impresa Perregrini / Comune di Curno, 2002 (€1.500.000,00)
Executive design and construction supervision of the static
consolidation of the building situated in Roma, via dell’Amba Aradam 24, 20.000 m3, 2003
Executive design of the static consolidation of the building situated in
Roma, via Mangili 33, 10.000 m3, 2004
N� 2 Technical advice given by the Regional Administrative Court of
Lazio, 2005
Technical advice given by the Regional Administrative Court of
Lazio, referred to tender for the motorway "variante di valico", 2006 (€ 452.000.000,00)
Technical advice given by the Regional Administrative Court of
Lazio, referred to tender for modernizing the motorway "SA-RC", 2006 (€ 780.000.000,00)
Guarantor, for the Ministry of Public Works, of the experimental company ISTEDIL spa, since 2007 until 2010
Task, given by the medical Public Corporation AGENAS, to estimate the market value,
the static quality and the plants of the building situated in Roma, via Giovanni Amendola 46, 2009 (€ 21.000.000,00)
Task, given by the medical Public Corporation AGENAS, to estimate the market value,
the static quality and the plants of the building situated in Roma, piazza Ippolito Nievo 46, 2010 (€ 28.000.000,00)
Task, given by the Public Corporations AGENAS and FNOMCeO, to estimate the
market value, the static quality and the plants of the buildings situated in Roma, via Torino 38 and 40, 2011 (more than €
Enrolled as arbiter for three years, beginning from the 22.03.2017, on the register of the arbitrarian Chamber for the public contracts near the Anticorruption National Authority (ANAC)
Entrusted, in date 28.11.2017, from the Company Armamenti e Aerospazio S.p.a. ad u.s. in liquidazione, to lend consultation and assistance within the arbitration procedure in progress in the Arbitration Court near the Chamber of Commerce in Paris
Registered by 24.09.2018 to the National Register of the members of the judging committees near the Anticorruption National Authority (ANAC)